Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5*

CAST(‘” & Season2 & “‘ AS DATETIME)) ” _ & “LIMIT 1” Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) If Not RS.EOF Then IsAvailable = “Y” DisplaySeason = “Summer” Searchform_StartDate = CDate(RS(“OB_Depdate”)) End If Set RS = Nothing End If If IsAvailable = “N” Then ‘ Revert to winter DisplaySeason = “Winter” SQL = “SELECT * FROM Libra_Lates.AVLABL ” _ & “WHERE (Accom_Code = ‘11317’) AND ” _ & “(CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), ‘-‘, SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), ‘-‘, SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME) CAST(‘” & Season2 & “‘ AS DATETIME)) ” _ & “LIMIT 1” Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) If Not RS.EOF Then IsAvailable = “Y” DisplaySeason = “Summer” Searchform_StartDate = CDate(RS(“OB_Depdate”)) End If End If Set RS = Nothing End If ‘ Searcform default values Searchform_SQL = “SELECT StartDate, Deppt, Arppt FROM Searchform_Defaults WHERE (Page LIKE ‘Resort’) AND (PageName LIKE ‘” & Searchform_Arppt & “‘)” If (Request.QueryString(“Season”) = “Summer”) Or (Session(“CurrentSeason”) = “Summer”) Or (DisplaySeason = “Summer”) Then Searchform_SQL = Searchform_SQL & ” AND (Season = ‘SUMMER’)” ElseIf (Request.QueryString(“Season”) = “Winter”) Or (Session(“CurrentSeason”) = “Winter”) Or (DisplaySeason = “Winter”) Then Searchform_SQL = Searchform_SQL & ” AND (Season = ‘WINTER’)” ElseIf (Request.QueryString(“Season”) = “Late”) Or (Session(“CurrentSeason”) = “Late”) Then Searchform_SQL = Searchform_SQL & ” AND (Season = ‘LATE’)” End If Set RS = Conn.Execute(Searchform_SQL) If RS.EOF Then Set RS = Conn.Execute(“SELECT StartDate, Deppt, Arppt FROM Searchform_Defaults WHERE (Page LIKE ‘Resort’) AND (PageName LIKE ‘” & Searchform_Arppt & “‘)”) If Not RS.EOF Then If Trim(RS(“StartDate”) & ” “) “” Then Searchform_StartDate = Trim(RS(“StartDate”)) If Not IsDate(Searchform_StartDate) Then Searchform_StartDate = DateAdd(“d”, Now(), 7) If Trim(RS(“Deppt”) & ” “) “” Then Searchform_Deppt = Trim(RS(“Deppt”)) If Trim(RS(“Arppt”) & ” “) “” Then Searchform_Arppt = Trim(RS(“Arppt”)) End If Set RS = Nothing If DateDiff(“d”, Now(), Searchform_StartDate)

Destinations > Egypt > Soma Bay > Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5*

Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5*

Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5*

Holidays to Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5* are not currently available to book online, to check the latest availability, or for alternative holidays to Soma Bay, please call .

"") Or (Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST") Then %>

CAST('" & DatePart("yyyy", DateAdd("d", 1, Now())) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("m", DateAdd("d", -7, Now())), 2) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("d", DateAdd("d", -7, Now())), 2) & "' AS DATETIME)) " If Request.Form("Depart_Date") "" Then SQL = SQL & " AND (CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME) > CAST('" & DatePart("yyyy", DateAdd("d", -7, CDate(Request.Form("Depart_Date")))) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("m", DateAdd("d", -7, CDate(Request.Form("Depart_Date")))), 2) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("d", DateAdd("d", -7, CDate(Request.Form("Depart_Date")))), 2) & "' AS DATETIME)) " _ & " AND (CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME) "") And (Request.QueryString("Depart_Year") "") Then SQL = SQL & " AND (SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4) = '" & SafeSQL(Request.QueryString("Depart_Year")) & "') AND (SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2) = '" & SafeSQL(Right("00" & Request.QueryString("Depart_Month"), 2)) & "') " Else If DisplaySeason = "Summer" Then SQL = SQL & "AND (CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME) > CAST('" & Season2 & "' AS DATETIME)) " Else ' If (Request.QueryString("Season") = "Winter") Or (Session("CurrentSeason") = "Winter") Then SQL = SQL & "AND (CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME) "" Then SQL = SQL & " AND (OB_Departure_Airport = '" & SafeSQL(Request.Form("Depart_Airport_Code")) & "') " ElseIf Request.QueryString("Depart_Airport_Code") "" Then SQL = SQL & " AND (OB_Departure_Airport = '" & SafeSQL(Request.QueryString("Depart_Airport_Code")) & "') " RowLimit = 999 End If If Request.Form("Board") "" Then SQL = SQL & " AND (Board = '" & SafeSQL(Request.Form("Board")) & "') " If Request.Form("Duration") "" Then SQL = SQL & " AND (Duration = '" & SafeSQL(Request.Form("Duration")) & "') " SQL = SQL & "GROUP BY OB_Depdate, Duration, OB_Departure_Airport " _ & "ORDER BY Prio, (CAST(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 7, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(OB_Depdate, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME)), (CAST(Adult_Price AS UNSIGNED))" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) If RS.EOF Then %>

0 Then %>

0) And (Request.QueryString("Depart_Airport_Code") "") Then %>



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(CAST('" & DatePart("yyyy", DateAdd("d", 1, Now())) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("m", DateAdd("d", 1, Now())), 2) & "-" & Right("00" & DatePart("d", DateAdd("d", 1, Now())), 2) & "' AS DATETIME)) AND " _ & "(Board_Prio.Prio > 1) AND (Board_Prio.Prio

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Sheraton Soma Bay Hotel 5*, La Residence Des Cascades Hotel 5*, Intercontinental Soma Bay 5*,

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