“” Then Searchform_StartDate = Trim(RS(“StartDate”)) If Not IsDate(Searchform_StartDate) Then Searchform_StartDate = DateAdd(“d”, Now(), 7) If Trim(RS(“Deppt”) & ” “) “” Then Searchform_Deppt = Trim(RS(“Deppt”)) If Trim(RS(“Arppt”) & ” “) “” Then Searchform_Arppt = Trim(RS(“Arppt”)) End If Set RS = Nothing If DateDiff(“d”, Now(), Searchform_StartDate) ” & ArrArpptNames(Arppts_i) & “” Next If UBound(ArrArppts) > 0 Then Arppts = “” & Arppts End If End If Set RS = Nothing %>
Destinations > Greece > Kefalonia > Scala
The night-life is low-key with just a few tavernas and no discos.
CAST('2009-12-17' AS DATETIME)) AND " _ & "(CAST(CONCAT('20', SUBSTRING(Depart_Date, 7, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(Depart_Date, 4, 2), '-', SUBSTRING(Depart_Date, 1, 2)) AS DATETIME)
" title="" class="Text"> | nights | " title="" class="Text">fr £ |
Hotels in Scala |
" & ThisTable & " £" & FormatNumber((CDbl(RS("Price")) / 100), 0) & " " 'Else ' ThisTable = "Winter" ' Price = Price & "" & ThisTable & " £" & FormatNumber((CDbl(RS("Price")) / 100), 0) & " " 'End If Price = Price & "from £" & FormatNumber((CDbl(RS("Price")) / 100), 0) & " " If ThisHotel NextHotel Then Application(Trim(RS("Accom_Code")) & "_Resort_Pic") = "" If Application(Trim(RS("Accom_Code")) & "_Resort_Pic") "" Then ThisImage = Application(Trim(RS("Accom_Code")) & "_Resort_Pic") Else ThisImage = ThumbnailImage(Trim(RS("Accom_Code")), "Accommodation", ContentBrochureCode("BrochureCode", GetBrochureCode(Trim(RS("Holiday_Country")), "")), "", "Resize:B150,110;Class:Border") ' RedField18.Value(i) If (Left(ThisImage, 20) = "